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Thursday, April 29, 2010

y2k : motor hyperspot bermesin turbin

MTT (Marine Turbine Technologies Inc.) mempunyai suatu karya hebat ""I've got to go with the Y2K Jet Bike as one of the all time sexiest. It's the most fun because it's a bike - and it's a jet. And because it's the best ever motorcycle for shutting up the Harley guys, it's like the hand of God pushing you in the back." komentar seorang "pilot" motor ini.

Motor bergaya Superbike ini dikenal sebagai Y2K Turbine Superbike, motor bertenaga mesin turbin dibuat oleh Ted McIntyre dari Marine Turbin Technologies Inc.


Engine: Rolls Royce Allison, 250 series gas turbine
Power: 320-hp @ 52,000-rpm, (286-hp @ rear wheel)
Torque: 425-ft/lbs @ 2,000-rpm
Transmission: 2-speed, automatic
Lubrication: Dry-sump/3.5-qts turbine oil
Frame: Aluminum alloy
Weight: 500-lbs
RPM: 6.000-rpm
Compressor Speed: 54.000rpm
Fairings: Carbon fiber
Rake: 27 degrees
Colors: Infinite custom colors

Bahan Bakar: Diesel dan kerosin
Fuel Capacity: 8.5-gal (34-liters)
Reserve Tank: 1.5-gal (6-liters)
Wheels: 17-in carbon fiber; Dymag
Wheel Base: 68-in
Tires: Front - 120 60ZR17, Pirelli. Rear - 200 50ZR17, Pirelli

Front Forks: 55-mm, upside down
Shocks: Mono-shock adjustable, oleo-pneumatic, Ohlins
Brakes: 3x320-mm floating system, 4-piston calipers, Brembo

Seat Height: 31.5-in
Seat: Single or double
Rear View: Rear-mounted camera with LCD color monitor, plus side mirrors.


  1. Motor ginian suaranya gimana ya knalpotnya guede gitu. Satu komplek bisa kaget semua tuh :D

  2. Wah.....
    motor nya ber mesi jet
    Psti yg ngendarain tu hebat


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